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Tarini Padmanabhan - 巴塞罗那 宝博体育 Program

by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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校友关注: Tarini Padmanabhan, 东航卡帕 巴塞罗那 宝博体育 Program   

Tarini Padmanabhan是一位 东航卡帕校友内幕 也是加州大学伯克利分校攻读生物学学位的学生. 的明矾 东航卡帕, she studied abroad in 巴塞罗那, 西班牙, during Spring 2024. 下面,她分享了她的想法 提示 以及准备一个学期的技巧 巴塞罗那, along with some of her favorite places to visit in the city. 


My top five essentials for study abroad are:

旅行背包: One that adheres to the guidelines of budget European airlines like Ryanair, 易捷航空, Vueling was incredibly helpful for 周末旅行 to other countries. 


降噪耳机: 这些对飞行和在城市周围的咖啡店甚至在东航卡帕研究中心工作都很有帮助. 

可重复使用的水瓶: 在欧洲的城市里,没有多少地方可以装满水,所以带一个可重复使用的水瓶帮助我保持水分, especially with walking around so much and traveling. 

转换器/适配器: 这些对于宝博体育来说是非常必要的,尤其是那些通用的. 当我去其他国家旅行时,它们使我不必再买几个适配器.   

A group of study abroad students under a stone archway smiling at the camera



  • 打包你会穿的衣服. 有时人们会选择不带运动裤或他们认为在欧洲不流行的衣服,但几周后才带, you will miss wearing the clothing items you wear most at home.
  • 比平时轻装上阵. Even if you don’t intend to buy more clothes in Europe, 你可能会买衣服之类的东西, 纪念品, 和更多的. Those will fill up your suitcase pretty quickly when it comes time to come home.  

  • Travel-sized toiletries will be your best friend. When you’re traveling on weekends and doing so on a budget, travel-sized toiletries will help you fit everything into a backpack. 


Myself and a couple friends in Malta while on Spring Break 


我强烈建议你带一些大一点的行李箱,一个旅行背包和一个小的手提行李. 大一点的行李箱是必要的,可以用来打包行李,也可以在那个时候把所有东西带回美国. As I mentioned earlier, the travel backpack is especially helpful for 周末旅行 and can fit a surprising amount of clothes in it. 我可以用我的旅行背包去摩洛哥旅行五天. 最后,对于春假这样的长途旅行来说,一个小小的随身行李箱绝对是必须的. 我只是想敦促学生们事先检查一下随身行李的尺寸,以确保它们符合欧洲常用航空公司的规定. The typical suitcase size in Europe is smaller than those in America. 

A study abroad student in a dessert smiling and looking away from the camera


Are there any packing hacks you used to maximize space in your luggage?  

  • 卷起你的衣服: 不要叠衣服,把衣服卷起来. This helped me save space and prevent wrinkles. 
  • 使用压缩袋: These are great for reducing the volume of larger items like jackets. 
  • 用图层打包: Choose clothing that can be layered and combined in different ways.

  • 穿笨重的衣服: If you are bringing bulkier items like shoes, 外套, 或牛仔裤, try to wear them during your flight to save space in your luggage. 

  • 拥有一个胶囊衣橱: Pick clothes that go well together and that can match easily.

  • 制作装箱单: 提前写下你需要打包的所有东西,以确保你没有忘记任何东西. It also helps you how much you’re bringing and if you don’t need something. 

A study abroad student at a sports arena smiling at the camera

Me at the Rolex Monte Carlo Masters Tennis Tournament in Monaco 


My friends riding camels in the Sahara Desert at sunset 


考虑一下你所在国的文化和着装要求,这样你就不会不小心冒犯到别人或显得太显眼了. Take the time to do some research on what people typically wear there. 在一些地方, you might need to dress more conservatively, especially if you’re visiting a religious site. 另一方面, some countries are more relaxed about what you wear, so you could get away with more casual clothes there. 

也, keep in mind the weather in mind; light fabrics for hot places, layering pieces for locations where the weather changes a lot. 在学校活动或宝博体育等更正式的场合,不要忘记穿漂亮的衣服!

A group of study abroad students taking a selfie from above

A picture of myself and a couple of friends while we explored Parc 平息我


在过去的这个学期里, 我去了巴塞罗那20多家不同的咖啡店,以此来探索这座城市,享受我最喜欢的饮料之一. 通过我的探索, I found three coffee shops that made it to the top of my list: T44 in PobleNou, 佐贺咖啡的故事在L ' eiexample, 和L ' eiexample的Funky Bakers.  

T44给我留下了深刻的印象,因为它的位置和美味的糕点和饮料. T44 is in PobleNou near BAU where I had classes for UVic. It’s also right near the beach and in a trendy area with a lot of food shops. 我喜欢课后在附近散步,坐在海滩上喝咖啡. 在食物和饮料方面, T44有一些我在巴塞罗那吃过的最好的糕点,我最喜欢的是他们的味增山核桃派. 他们的冰盐焦糖拿铁也有我在巴塞罗那最喜欢的咖啡. T44也有Wi-Fi和桌子, which makes it the perfect place to sit and work for several hours.  

第二家是Saga Coffee Stories,在L’example,离我的公寓很近. I loved their vanilla matcha, caramel oat milk latte, spiced chai. Saga also has Wi-Fi and many places to sit and work. 它的位置、饮料和凉爽的氛围使它成为我在巴塞罗那最喜欢的学习地点之一.  

最后,Funky Bakers因为他们的卡布奇诺和豆蔻面包而上了我的名单. 这家位于L 'Eixample的公司离我的公寓只有十分钟的路程,我经常在早上去那里. 他们的新鲜烘焙食品,尤其是豆蔻巴布卡是我最喜欢的食物之一. 


Inside the Sagrada Familia in the afternoon 

What local dishes should students try while studying in 巴塞罗那? 

巴塞罗那 is an amazing city for foodies so make sure to dive into the local 食物的场景. You have to try paella, especially the seafood version, as well as tapas like , croquetas, 甘巴斯·阿吉略. 另外,不要错过 泛化, a bread with tomatos, olive oil, salt. In my opinion, the best sweet treats in 巴塞罗那 are the 克丽玛catalana (类似于cr lsm - e)和 墨西哥玉米条. 墨西哥玉米条 are especially tasty while watching the sunrise. 




What are some hidden gems you recommend students check out?  


Can Framis is the sister restaurant of Casa Lolea. 他们有相同的菜单和氛围,但你更有可能得到当天的预订,或者在Can Framis比在Casa Lolea更容易走进来. 推荐他们的松露烩饭和布里苹果片. This restaurant also carried the famous Casa Lolea sangria.  

我的第二颗隐藏的宝石是加洛·尼禄, a small sandwich shop in the Gothic Quarter right near the Cathedral. 餐厅里只有五六张桌子,但那里的三明治是我吃过的最好吃的. They have a delicious prosciutto sandwich that comes with truffle cream. 店主和服务员也非常热情好客,三明治就在你面前的柜台上. 


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