


2024秋季学期 阿利坎特

商业研究 可用的会议

飞行信贷 获得价值高达 $1,250 当您在2024年6月30日之前使用代码*申请时


Attend class alongside other international students at our partner, 阿利坎特大学, 当你通过国际视角学习商业概念,并培养在当今全球经济中茁壮成长所需的技能时. 用一系列学科领域的选修课程补充商业课程,所有课程均以英语授课. You’ll also improve your Spanish language skills by taking a language course, 提供给所有能力水平的人.


  • 概述
  • 地点:
  • 阿利坎特
  • 日期:
  • 9/5/24 - 12/21/24
  • 价格:
  • $15,495
  • 学分:
  • 12 - 13
  • 最后期限
  • 申请:
  • 关闭
  • 撤销:
  • 7/10/24
  • 应用程序需求
  • 网上申请费$95
  • 文字记录-非官方
  • 项目参与协议
  • 完整的应用程序
  • 资格
  • 教育
  • 1 Year of College, although advanced High School graduates may be eligible
  • 最低
  • 2.5
  • 课程的先决条件:
  • 有些课程可能有先决条件.
  • 外语水平:
  • 所有级别

Located on one of 西班牙’s most attractive campuses, the 阿利坎特大学 让您与西班牙和其他国际学生一起参加课堂和活动,获得综合体验. This innovative and dynamic public university offers modern buildings, 绿色区域, 体育设施, 24小时图书馆, 一个博物馆, 商业画廊.

阿利坎特,你可以选择 CEA CAPA住房 或者安排自己的独立住房. 住房 assignments are based on availability and confirmation date; we make every effort to match your 住房 requests, 但我们不能保证住房偏好.


In the Fall semester you'll enroll in 1-3 Core courses, 1 Spanish language or elective course and 0-2 选修课程. 从2025年春季开始, you’ll enroll in 1 Spanish language or culture course, 3门UA英语课程. 你可以选择增加一门额外的西班牙语或英语选修课程,但需要额外支付费用(825美元)。. 

朗uage/culture courses meet for 60 contact hours/4 credits, 选修课程, 英语授课, 满足45-60学时/2-3学分. 如果选择额外的课程,你可以获得13个学分(最多240个课时)或17个学分. 

Spanish language/culture courses meet 2 times per week; schedules for 选修课程 vary and will be finalized on-site. 在课程安排最终确定之前的前两周,你可以选择参加不同的课程.

在你去阿利坎特之前, you will select your preferred courses and take a language placement exam. You'll be enrolled into courses based on availability. 在你离开之前,由于课程的可用性,你最好有多个由你的家乡大学批准的替代课程. To ensure that you receive credit for the language level you place into, have your home school pre-approve courses at several levels before you leave for 西班牙. 请咨询您所在大学的学术顾问,了解学分预批准指南.


亚利桑那大学规定的当地学生参加期末考试的时间超过了CEA CAPA课程的日期. 然而, CEA CAPA学生可以在项目结束前提前参加期末考试,也可以在他们的主办机构进行监考. 你应该在课程的前半段接触你的教授,了解他们会给你哪种选择.


The host institution has offered the following courses in the past. 请注意 that course listings may not be finalized until the start of the term; we’ll post an updated list when the host institution finalizes its offerings.



走出去探索! 远足 are offered for most semester, year, and summer programs*. 学期学生通常有两到三次短途旅行,暑期学习学生通常有一到两次短途旅行. 你会收到一份旅行日程表 during 取向; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.



在阿利坎特港, a 45-minute ferry ride carries you to Tabarca岛, the only inhabited island of the Autonomous Community of Valencia. 这个自然海洋保护区是几乎完好无损的地中海海洋生物的典范, 水质优良, 以及令人难以置信的生物多样性. 参观期间, you’ll learn about the island’s history; once a pirate refuge, 1770年,一群热那亚水手从突尼斯海岸的一场海难中获救后,在岛上唯一的村庄定居下来. After touring the island, you’ll enjoy delicious paella and relax on a tranquil beach.

Calpe y el Peñon de Ifach

Calpe y el Peñon de Ifach

无论你以何种方式进入卡尔佩社区,都不可能错过Peñon de Ifach. 从腓尼基人开始, 这个1,089-foot-tall rock has protected Calpe Bay from pirates and raiders. 今天, 这块巨大的巨石是一个自然保护区,是300多种野生动物和许多稀有植物的家园,也是地中海最大的岩石. In the morning, watch the fishing boats leave the Calpe harbor in droves. 他们会在今天结束时回来, 接着是成群的海鸟, 然后在码头拍卖行出售他们的捕获物. So, head to nearby restaurants to feast on the result of a hard day’s work.



One of the Costa Blanca’s most memorable coastal towns, Altea系统 retains its own unique Spanish charm despite its increasing popularity. 这个风景如画的小镇坐落在迷人的海湾和崎岖的山脉之间,以摩尔语命名 althaya或“人人健康”. 坐落在海面上陡峭的山坡上, 长期以来,阿尔特亚一直是艺术家们的避暑胜地, 雕塑家, 和作家. 在市中心, 你会发现大量的商店, 画廊, 咖啡馆, and tiny white-washed buildings adorned with flowers, 所有这些都坐落在蜿蜒的鹅卵石中世纪小巷中. At the top, you’ll see the blue-domed of the Virgin de Consuelo church. 徒步到山顶是值得的, as the mountain and bay views are nothing less than spectacular – plus, 你会发现一个两旁都是小吃吧的广场.



Travel to the interior of 阿利坎特 province to the small town of Algar, 那里有丰富的水资源和温和的气候,可以在传统的梯田上种植杏仁和葡萄藤等地中海产品. We’ll visit the 阿尔加喷泉 and see the springs and waterfalls of the Algar River. 沿河徒步旅行是拍摄美丽风景的绝佳机会.



This budget contains costs that you can take to your financial aid office. 请注意 that amounts may fluctuate; we’ve included a range of costs.

联邦法律允许使用经济援助来支付留学的“合理”费用,包括往返交通费用, 项目的学杂费, 生活成本, 护照和签证费, 健康保险, 和更多的.

请注意,以下列出的所有费用和收费如有更改,恕不另行通知. With the exception of Program Price, all costs are estimates and may vary.



以下是您的计划的暂定日程安排. 请注意, dates and events below may change without prior notification. 购买机票前请联系中国民航航空公司.

You will receive a finalized itinerary once you arrive onsite.

注:额外的文化活动/短途旅行或必修课程相关的活动可能会纳入您的最终行程. You are advised not to make personal travel arrangements until you have the final dates.


Receive a $1,250 飞行信贷 2024年6月30日前申请

Get your flight credit code and access to 存折 in two easy steps. 与存折, 你可以跟踪你最喜欢的节目和课程, 保存航班积分, and watch videos on the destination you're interested in.


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2 / 2步骤

*提供你的流动电话号码, 您同意定期收到来自CEA CAPA 教育 Abroad的短信,通知您重要的课程截止日期. 消息和数据速率可能适用.

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您的航班积分已添加到您的存折上. Apply now or view your 存折 to begin the next step in your journey.

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